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Shuhei Tanaka

Fracton Ventures Research Engineer

Shuhei Tanaka works as Research Engineer at Fracton Ventures Research, mainly developing smart contracts and front ends, and researching public goods funding and DAOs in the crypto space.

Focus Areas

blockchainpublic goods

Selected Activities

  • ggframe | Farcaster Frame designed to make it easier for users to donate to the Gitcoin Grant. ( 2024/06 )
  • Eternal Commons at ETH Global Superhack | Funding tool for OSS public goods that any communitiy can easily run RetroPGF and continuously fund builders as long as they achieve their milestones. ( 2023/08 )
  • FluidFunding at ETH Global Tokyo | Prediction market based Quadratic Funding Protocol for public good projects. ( 2023/04 )
  • Selected Publications

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